7 weeks
8 weeks old
What is a schedule?
These past 8 weeks have definitely been a journey. Finding what Riley likes and doesn't like. What her different cries mean, what her hunger and tired cues are. I've somewhat learned these things, but just when I think I've mastered it, she THROWS us for a loop. This past week I thought we were making leaps and bounds, Riley was giving us a steady 4, even 5 hour stretch of sleep at night and just when Luke and I felt like we were through with the days of sleep deprivation (aka last night) she decided to be up every 2-3 hours. I can't complain too much because usually she just eats and goes right back to bed, but it's frustrating to hear that EVERYONE ELSES BABY (or what it seems like) sleeps 6-7, even 8 hours! I can't even picture what it'll be like when she sleeps through the night. I'm sure I'd be up every couple hours checking on her. Napping is still kind of a challenge, because this girl makes it difficult to get her to sleep. There's no just setting her down and her drifting off to sleep- its a swaddle me some times, don't swaddle me others. Sometimes she wants to sleep in her bouncy chair, sometimes her basinet, sometimes on the floor. Its just a trial and error sort of thing. For those of you who say your child is on a schedule, Grrr!
We go on a lot of walks. . .
Melt my heart
How cute is this?
Loving bath time :)
New developments
There are lots and lots of smiles, but this little stinker will NOT let me capture the picture of it! She also has been cooing and it just melts my heart. She's trying to roll over, but hasn't figured out how to get her top half over, and she's now reaching with an open hand and grabbing things. Its cute because she'll often grab on to the shirts of whomever is holding her. I can't believe how quickly she's growing- I remember when I was amazed at her eyes following me. I imagine there's only so many more amazing things in store!
Other than all of this, I've developed quite a bit of anxiety about going back to work. I am scared of what I'll miss mainly. I WANT to work, but I also want to spend all day with my little baby girl. . . I'm torn! It's going to be a fast week and a half- UGH! I hate that its only a week and a half. Be strong, momma- be strong!
I will leave you all with a funny face pic to make your day a little bit brighter :)