Sunday, July 29, 2012

OMG, I have a 3 month old

Holy crap! Last Monday was quite a day for me. Riley's birthday (well sort of) I came to the realization that my little baby is growing so fast, and I feel like I just blinked and the last 3 months flew by.

Here's a little 3 month photo shoot we did at home. Hopefully after a purchase of a new camera, our photo quality will greatly improve.



I am now fully into working mommy mode. The days fly by at work (some days are slow) but I rush home to see my little munchkins smiling face and immediately kiss those chubby cheeks. Luke gets home earlier than I do so he's usually already playing with her, singing to her, or doing yard work with her (she loves it outside). It's so fun to see the way she smiles and recognizes not only voices, but now faces. She's getting so strong! She's been holding her head up since I can remember bringing her home, and she started rolling from tummy to back, and on Monday completed her first back to tummy roll. Now that she realizes she can do this she's rolling around all over the place. Her favorite is naked roll arounds before bath time :). She went through a little stint this week of deciding she didn't want to sleep at night (which I assume was due to a growth spurt). She was up almost every 2 hours from Saturday until last night where she did a good 6 hour stretch! Woohoo! I chalk it up to the fact that she was fueling up to learn how to roll. Now that's she's mastered it, I hope to God she will sleep a little better. Momma can't function on 4 hours of sleep. I felt like a zombie walking the earth. BUT- I'm all rested up and had a really good day today. Wednesdays are good days because I know I've made it already 1/2 way through the week and I know that I have ALLLL weekend long to play with her and kiss her. The good part about the weekends is that we tend to stay busy and do lots, but the downside is that they go really fast. I'm sure any working mom can attest to that.

Riley has started getting better in the car. And by better- I mean she now usually will fall asleep after the cries for a certain period of time. She has become more content, but she just really doesn't like being in there.

Our angel sleeping in her carseat

LOVING her Bumbo chair

The childcare situation was probably what I was most afraid of with the whole going back to work thing. My mom watches her Monday, my brother watches her Tues-Thurs, and my friend watches her Friday. My mom loves her Monday's with Riley and I can tell how much Riley loves her too. Lots of playing and doing fun things. This Monday my mom surprised me with a pic of Riley in a cute little swimming suit and a sun hat in a little swimming pool she had just bought her. Ummmm ADORABLE! My brother was probably the thing I was most anxious about. Mainly because I knew what a big responsibility it is to watch a baby and he was so nonchalant about it. Needless to say, he realized very quickly what a big task it is, and let me tell you- he is AMAZING with her. It melts my heart to see the way he interacts with her, plays with her, feeds her, and loves her. My friend who watches her Friday is SOOOO good with her and they are always doing fun things! She has a super nice camera so she's always doing photo shoots and dressing her up and playing with her. Here's some of the pics from one of her photo shoots:

All in all, being a mother is the most amazing feeling in the world. Seeing this amazing little human that is 1/2 me and 1/2 my husband, that I grew in my tummy is the best feeling in the world. She's getting so big and so smart and so strong, that I can't even remember how tiny she was. Its such a big life changer, but it has come to the point where Luke and I admit that we can't even remember what our life was like before Riley. I see her smile and feel like nothing else matters. I'm having so much fun watching her grow and develop a personality. I see the way she is content just looking around and hanging out- and the way she is over dramatic and whiney when she's tired (like her mom). 

I promise I'll be better about blogging from here on out. Lots of exciting things happening in our future :)