Saturday, October 29, 2011


I am feeling amazing- almost 16 weeks and going strong. It really is amazing because women say that in the 2nd trimester a switch goes off, and boy are they right. Well- maybe mine was more of a dimmer switched that flickered back and forth, but now my light is finally on (hope I didn’t go too far with that analogy). I currently have no nausea whatsoever, not really any food aversions, and have much more energy than I had the first couple months. I still have to peel myself out of bed in the morning, but I think that’s more of a personality trait than it is a side effect of pregnancy. I also have been a lot happier than I was the first three months. I think the count down and the worry and anxiety associated with all of the changes I was experiencing kind of dulled down my actual excitement. Now that baby is 4 ½ inches long, it seems real, and I’m feeling good, I have a lot more to be excied about.

I have been craving pasta lately. Mostly red sauce. I just can’t get enough of it. Spaghetti, with the thin noodles, any sort of meat and veggie, and a deliciously seasoned red sauce. Mmm- I wish I had some right now! Milk is something I’ve also begun craving for the first time. I find myself salivating over the thought of getting a tall, cold glass of milk when I get home from work. Not only does it satisfy my craving and refresh me, but its super good for my growing baby.

Luke and I are currently counting down the days to identifying the gender. We really had little to no discussion about whether or not we were going to find out, because- well. We both KNEW we wanted to- there was no question. I’m entirely too impatient and its much too exciting to have to wait for. Then we can buy all the cute little gender specific clothes (tutus for the girls, and little baseball gear for the boys). Ugh I can’t wait. I have an appointment scheduled for just around my 18 week mark, and I know they typically don’t do the gender ultrasound until 20 weeks, but I’m going to work my magic and hope that they’ll let us do it a little early, rather than have to wait an extra 4 weeks.

We still haven’t decided what we’re going to do for childcare during the workday. Luke and I will both work full time, my mom will watch the baby at least 1 day a week, and I’m hoping my little brother will be willing and interested in watching the baby a couple days a week too. It’s pretty convenient being that he works weekend nights. I’m trying my best not to stress about all these petty details since we’re not even ½ way through this pregnancy.

I’m also getting a huge urge to start decorating the nursery (or what will eventually be the nursery).

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