Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have a 2 week old!

Oh my gosh- it seems so weird to say I have a baby that is now over 2 weeks old! It seems miraculous because it seems like just yesterday when I was waddling around with a huge pregnant belly, unable to tie my shoes or get up off the couch. Now I see our little peanut and remind myself what an absolute miracle it is. I hold her and kiss her and examine her on a daily basis just in complete awe at how fast she is growing. She is definitely not the new born we brought home from the hospital. She's changing so much I feel like I don't have time to blink!

2 weeks old

Luke is now officially back at work, which means I am home alone with the baby. Ummm talk about anxiety. I was so emotional about it, but I'm glad it finally happened. Now I can stop stressing about the not knowing how its going to be. Monday was supposed to be my first day, but my wonderful mother kept me company so it wasn't really like I was alone at all. She helped so I could get ready in the morning after I got Riley ready, she came with me as we ventured to the mall and out for lunch, and of course, I cried when she left, because I knew that meant that I was all on my own. That means today is my official first day alone, and after a sleepless night, I got up feeling terrible. After a cup of coffee (from my new Keurig!) and some breakfast I looked at Riley and immediately remembered how and why I can do this. You can sleep when you're dead, isn't that what they say? I have found how little sleep I can function off of, and although I may not be the most pleasant person to be around when I'm sleep deprived, I can still care for my baby and be a functional human (for the most part). 

Venturing out and about
Luke and I always told ourselves that having a child would not force us to be hermits. We both agreed that if/when we had a child, we would still be social and fun and get out of the house! This is probably why at 6 days old we did what felt like the scariest thing ever and brought our baby out to a surprise 50th anniversary party for my grandparents. I was a ball of anxiety, but Riley did great and it was my first time nursing in public. It was scary and I struggled a little, but I did it! Last Saturday, we also had a big day. We were out and about ALL DAY LONG. We went to Hyland Park Reserve in Bloomington with my in laws, out to lunch, and out to visit a friend. We came home and boy was I exhausted, but it was so nice to feel like we had established some sort of normalcy in our lives. I think that's the hardest thing for me- wondering when my life is going to be "normal" again. Will it ever be normal again? When will I be able to leave the house without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack? I assume it gets easier. That's what every mom that I've been seeking out tells me. You WILL cry, you WILL stress, but it DOES get easier. I just have to realize that I am out of control, and I do what the baby needs me to do for her. That is my only job right now- give her what she needs.

 All ready to go in my car seat

 Cuddling with grandma and her cousin, Trygg

Meeting Luke's friend!

Sunday was also a milestone for us, because I had organized a volunteer event with my work so I had to leave WITHOUT THE BABY from 7-11am. This meant I had to be up at 5:45, feed the baby, pump, get ready, and go! I was so so so nervous- Luke had to get her ready, feed her a bottle if she was hungry, and then they came to Minnehaha Falls to visit and walk around. All in all, it turned out great! She took her first bottle really well (and it didn't effect her latch at all), Luke got her ready just fine, and she was so good! Its amazing how much this little girl has done in her 2 weeks on this earth, but I think we are setting the tone for a wonderful life, full of friends, family, and fun. 

Growing, growing, growing
At 2 weeks old, Riley is definitely growing. I can tell that her little face is filling out, and she has some leg rolls and a little tummy now. Its weird to think that although she's gained over a lb (she's almost 8 lbs now!) she's still much smaller than a lot of newborns. I'm thinking she's going through a growth spurt right now (which is apparently common at 2 weeks) because she has been eating NON-STOP all day, and when she hasn't been eating, she's been fussing and crying. I'm convinced she's going to wake up a lb heavier tomorrow. Hopefully she'll actually get some sleep tonight. Please please please! To give me some sanity!

Other than that, all is well here. Finally seems normal to have a baby :) We just love her so so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. Her little arms and legs look so long. I bet she'll be tall.
