She was finally into a routine and for about 2 weeks was a sleeping angel. Up once or twice a night at most, which was just great for Luke and I. Well after her 6 month shots (Cue sad music) it ALLLLL went downhill from there. The last 2 weeks have been a routine of waking screaming about every 2 hours. She won't rock back to sleep without eating, which makes sense because in the past 2 weeks she has gotten 2 teeth and started crawling! Halloween was the first tooth, the second came a week later, and just this Monday she she took her first crawling steps. Luke and I are definitely not prepared to baby-proof our house, but we really can't wait! Its so cute to watch her go after the cats or a toy, or me. It is the sweetest thing to watch.
We did some 6 month photos, with our big girl, who is now 17 lbs, and 26 inches :)
Did I mention I am obsessed w/ our camera? These pics aren't even edited. Just wait until I figure THAT out!
So Riley has been on solids for over 2 months now. We started w/ Rice cereal, merged away from that and onto oatmeal and started with one serving a day and have moved to a fruit and oatmeal in the morning, a veggie at lunch and usually a fruit & veggie at night. I bought these neat baby food storage trays, so I just make the food for the week on Sunday and portion them out (including the 8 servings that are sent to daycare for the week).
Mumi & Bubi baby food storage trays
Some of her favorites are pears, sweet potatoes, peas, and butternut squash. She hasn't really NOT liked anything we've given her, which is nice. I don't think she's going to be a picky eater at all.
We've also started to wean her off of her reflux medicine, and we haven't really seen any negative side effects yet. So far so good. We are SO excited for the holidays with our little peanut!
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