Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One month update

Ok. . .  I am sure every new mother says this, but wow does time fly by. It seems like just yesterday we were scared out of our minds bringing home our new baby girl. Now, she's officially a month old and I'm trying to remember where all the time has gone. 

To me, its miraculous how my life has changed and what I've learned by having a baby. I've learned patience (ohhh so much patience) because without it, we would have never survived those middle of the night feedings and fussing fests that have happened. I've learned how amazing biology is (which those of you who know me, know I have a fond appreciation for biology, because that was my major in college). But in all honesty, I was amazed that Luke and I could make something so perfect, but now as I watch her grow, I am amazed at how quickly her body is changing, how she's growing, and transforming into a mini person. Most importantly, I have learned a new kind of love. I love my family, I love Luke's family, I love Luke and I love my friends, but the kind of love I have for Riley is indescribable. She relies on me for EVERYTHING and knowing that she needs me so so much, makes me realize how much I need her, too. I just can't seem to give her enough kisses or cuddles in a day. 

So here's our little peanut at 4 weeks old (which is different from one month):

She's weighing in at over 8 1/2 lbs, and she's about 20 inches long. She is growing on a daily basis, which comforts me, because I didn't think I'd make it through the growth spurts. For those of you who aren't aware what a delight newborn growth spurts are, it consists of constant nursing (which the babies do to increase your milk supply), fussing, and NO SLEEPING! This last growth spurt, which just ended, lasted 2 days, and it was 2 days of me being glued to my couch, with Riley being glued to me. I could tell it was finished when she slept 2 stretches of 3-3 1/2 hours last night. THANK THE LORD, I'm a human again!

Last week 
Last week was a good one. We had a busy, busy weekend that started with meeting Luke's parents, sister and her son for lunch. We then went to the mall, and Riley was spoiled with lots of cuddles.

 Riley and Grandpa
 Riley and her cousin, Tryg
Aunt Josie!

After coming home, I had about an hour to get ready for my friends Jessie & Jake's grooms dinner. Horray for their wedding weekend! I headed to the rehearsal, and Luke brought Riley to my parents. We were away from her for about 2.5 hours, and it was good practice for the wedding day on Saturday. Saturday I was gone all day, and although I was having so much fun, not a second went by that I didn't think of my baby girl. We were lucky enough to have my parents bring her up to the wedding dance so we could see her (and show her off), but saying goodbye again was hard. . . yes- I cried! But we ended up dancing the night away, and it was almost like a date night out for the hubby and I. It was good for us, and we had a BLAST!

Sunday, we had a baby shower, hosted by 2 of my wonderful aunts and food made by my lovely Grandma Bartolo. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people! Best of all, Riley got to meet/see BOTH sets of her great grandparents. Not many children are able to say that they've done that. My mom's parents (and aunt) traveled 3+ hours to get here and seeing them hold her brought tears to my eyes. It really is fun to have a shower after the baby is born, because then everyone gets their baby fix. Special thanks to my aunts for making it all happen :) pics to come soon.

What it means to have a one month old. . .
Having a one month old has definitely changed my life, my relationship with my husband, and the way I look at absolutely everything in life. It means that there are days when I don't have time to brush my teeth or get out of my pajamas because I'm catering to my baby's needs. It means that I no longer remember what a "good nights sleep" is, it means I have to be completely selfless (which is a great trait to have), and it also means that my husband and I are now responsible for another life. Making sure we teach her to be a good person, because eventually she's going to be right where I am in life (hopefully), wishing the same upon her children. 

Happy 1 month birthday to my little Riley Hope, mom and dad love you so so much!

She is fist pumping in celebration. 

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