Saturday, December 17, 2011

Life so far

The past few weeks has been an absolute whirl wind of emotions. On the same day we found out the gender of our baby (GIRL) we had an appointment to meet a surgeon with my family, just days after we found out my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It really was such an interesting feeling, because life brings us so many things, happiness, sadness, and sometimes a mixture of the two. While we were ecstatic about our news, we definitely felt sadness and mourned for my mom. There was the diagnosis, the waiting, the surgery, and now the healing, all while praying for her strength, and being thankful for the baby being healthy.

Besides the obvious troubles, this has been a good month, "baby wise." My belly is definitely growing, and people can now tell I'm actually pregnant and not just a fatty (some may still be confused).

I am feeling the baby move constantly; usually when I eat a big meal, lay down, or am still for a long time. It is honestly the most amazingly beautiful feeling in the world. If I ever forget why oh why my body is changing the way it is, I'm reminded by a little jab in the tummy that I've got something incredibly special growing inside of me. I find myself rushing to the bathroom more now than ever before, and it's always a rush, feeling like I can't hold it another moment. I hear it only gets worse. Luke and I registered at Target!

He was the designated scanner, and I was the list 'checker-offer'. It was a little overwhelming because Target has about 6 very compacted isles of baby items and it seemed like there was really no rhyme or reason to the way things were laid out. We ended up doing great, but making some changes online after we registered in store.

We found some adorable bedding, which is on our registry.

And I had to do everything in my power not to pick up these pink ballet slippers.

Little girl stuff is entirely too cute!

Can't believe time is going so quickly and this pregnancy journey is over 1/2 over. I have so much to be thankful for, I think it has really given me and my family the strength to overcome these obstacles and challenges. We are strong sons of guns! Next step in our journey is to get the nursery started- the guest bedroom is officially almost complete, so I'm excited to get started on baby Harvey's actual nest :)


  1. I'm excited for you! I've been following your for a while and I'm so happy for you. I'm sorry about your mom, and I'm glad she's in recovery.

  2. i love seeing the updated belly pics :) keep em' coming! xoxo
