Sunday, October 23, 2011

To tell or not to tell?

October 5th, 2011

So I have officially entered the second trimester of my pregnancy. Not feeling an ounce better than yesterday, but I’m looking forward to that in the near future. We have our first ultrasound scheduled for Friday, as well as another 12 week check up with the nurse midwife. The beauty of working with a certified nurse midwife instead of a OB, is that they are so much more personal and caring than doctors. When I called to schedule, I was told “Congratulations” by at least 3 different people on the phone. We also sat down and she said, “So tell me about yourselves. . . How you met and how long you’ve been together.” Questions I could never imagine my doctor asking me. Nurse midwifes to tend to be a lot more natural than doctors so they typically don’t give an ultrasound until the 20th week. I did request to get one sooner, because I’m convinced that once I see that picture of the baby inside of my belly, I think it will seem more real to me. I have been torn as to whether or not I should begin telling people. You know- the 12 week mark is supposed to be the safe-haven, but I’ve decided I can wait a FEW more days until I see the ultrasound. Not only is that happening on Friday, but our long anniversary weekend is beginning as well. I have a lot to be thankful for today!


  1. Switching from my OB to my midwive clinic was one of the best decisions I ever made! Congratulations:)

  2. Love your nurse shoutouts :) woot woot!
